А как у них там?
Неужели все так просто? взял рубанок, долото-купилил дрова (ну чтоб экологичнее было - сбегал к мяснику за бычьим пузырем на окна)-набросал планировочку (не забыв о дизайне внутреннем и внешнем)-приладил все согласно фантазии к заводскому шасси-лихо прицепил к пикапчику и рванул в Ялту, Алупку!
Tiny house on wheels
If you're building your own tiny house on wheels and plan on getting it registered as an RV with your state, then research the DMV regulations ahead of time. In most states, a self-built RV will need to be inspected before the DMV will issue a license plate. Have detailed plans drawn up and take photos at each step of building, so that you can show electrical and plumbing work without having to cut into the walls at the DMV! Some folks avoid this step by purchasing a flat bed trailer manufactured by a company that provides a Vehicle Identification Number. They register the trailer but then don't go the extra step of re-registering it as an RV when finished building the tiny house. This isn't strictly legal, as many states charge fees based on weight or re-sale value. If you're planning to live remotely off-grid, you might consider it, but if you want to stay in an RV park or obtain RV insurance, you'll want to make the extra effort and get your tiny house registered as an RV.
RVIA (Recreational Vehicle Industry Association):
If you purchase a finished tiny house from a builder, he or she should provide you with a Vehicle Identification Number and a title so that you can register your tiny house. The DMV will still likely need to inspect it. If your builder is a member of the RVIA, your tiny house should have a RVIA decal. This will make it easier to be accepted by RV parks and obtain RV insurance, but is not essential.
THOW Documentation and Inspection
We have created construction guidelines for tiny houses on wheels (THOWs) and suggest that builders document how their houses are constructed, including plans, materials and methods. Included on the guidelines page is a link to a third party inspection service which can provide an alternative to RVIA certification for the DIYer or small builder.
Once registered, where will your house stay? Choices include someone's backyard, an RV park, your own land, or a tiny house community-ecovillage. Tiny houses on wheels are allowed as caregiver dwellings in the backyard of a person who needs assistance in Sonoma County, CA, as well as Napa, Lake, Mendocino, Alameda, Contra Costa & Sacramento, according to Sonya Tafejian of Tiny House Consulting Sonoma County.
If not in caregiver cottage, you'll be considered to be camping and regulations in some areas limit camping to a particular number of days; check with your local zoning office. Backyards and RV parks have the advantage of offering utility hook ups. It may be possible to camp on your own land, particularly if your land is classified as recreational rather than residential, but it's rare to be able to get utilities. North Yarmouth, Maine is exceptionally friendly to private camping.
Tiny houses on wheels are slowly gaining acceptance in RV parks and welcomed in tiny house communities and ecovillages.
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Да хоть курятник, хоть будку собачью в два этажа. Убедись, что безопасно для окружающих и ехай. Зурбагану еще придется поработать над стоимостными показателями, уж больно ему на пятки жмут производители стандартной бытовки/балка
так он убежден что его творение безопасно.