Программирование брелка


помогите разобраться с программированием брелка

експ спорт трак

в мануале написано:

Programming remote transmitters
It is necessary to have all (maximum of four — original and/or new) of
your remote transmitters available prior to beginning this procedure.
To program the transmitters yourself:

Place the key in the ignition and
turn from 2 (LOCK) to 3 (OFF)
and cycle between 3 (OFF) and
4(ON) eight times in rapid
succession (within 10 seconds)
with the eighth turn ending in the
4 (ON) position. The doors will
lock/unlock to confirm that
programming mode has been

Within 20 seconds, program a
remote transmitter by pressing any button on a transmitter. The doors
will lock/unlock to confirm that the remote transmitter has been
programmed. (If more than 20 seconds pass before pressing a remote
transmitter button, the programming mode will exit and the procedure
will have to be repeated.)

Repeat the previous step to program additional remote transmitters.
The doors will lock/unlock to confirm that each remote transmitter has
been programmed.

When you have completed programming the remote transmitters, turn
the ignition to 3 (OFF). Again the doors

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Укротитель дикого Экспа
2 354
Где-то недавно мы это обсуждали, пошукай поиском, название темы не помню. Либо залезь в базу знаний, я там статейку выложил по программированию. Когда программировал сам, у меня тоже двери не срабатывали. Но брелки работают.

Программирование ключей и брелков
Последнее редактирование модератором: